165 Chemin des Girelles, 83230 Bormes Les Mimosas - contact@hotellavoile.fr - +33 (0)4 98 04 10 14



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Legal notice Sarl La Voile

The content of the site www.hotellavoile.fr is prepared and / or authorized by sarl La Voile and access to this site and its use are subject to the following general conditions. In the event of a discrepancy between the French version and any translation of these Terms and Conditions, the French version will prevail.


Copyright La Voile 2018. All rights reserved. All copyrights and other intellectual property rights relating to all texts, images, software and other contents of this site are the property of sarl La Voile. You may browse this site and reproduce excerpts for your information only and for personal and non-commercial purposes. The content on this site may not be modified or incorporated into other documents, publications or sites without prior written consent.


The information and documents on this site are provided for reference only. La Sarle rejects any guarantee or representation, express or implied, concerning elements related to this site or a related site. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Sarl accepts no liability for any damages or losses arising from these terms, in any way whatsoever. The fact of using or visiting this site does not constitute an offer of goods or services from the sarl. Goods and services may only be available in certain countries and any offer to buy goods or services from the sarl is subject to acceptance by the sarl, and this in accordance with general conditions governing the supply of such goods and services.


The links between third party websites and this site do not indicate an association with the sarl sailing or a recommendation on his part. The Sarl La Voile disclaims any liability, whatever its nature, for the activities carried out or the information provided on third party websites.


With the exception of personal information, Sailing is free to reproduce, use, communicate or disseminate communications that you may send to us for the benefit of third parties and to use the ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques contained in said communications for any purpose that he may consider useful. The concept of communications covers, but is not limited to, feedback, questions, comments, suggestions and the like.


SARL Sailing offers online booking services on this site. Any booking made on this site is binding on the individual making the reservation ("the Customer") and the owner of the hotel whose room is reserved ("the Hotel Owner"). The reservation is subject to local terms and conditions as defined by the Hotel Owner from time to time. It is also governed by the laws of the country in which the hotel is located and falls under the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that country. SARL La Voile and / or the owner of the respective hotel reserves the right to cancel or modify reservations at its sole discretion for any reason. SARL La Voile and the Owner of the hotel are not responsible for any costs, complaints, liability or costs arising from third parties charged to the Customer in any way whatsoever as part of his movements to or from the hotel. hotel concerned by the booking, including flights, ground transportation, communications, insurance, misplaced goods, medical services, etc. (except in the case of a written agreement to this effect whereby the Hotel Owner expressly undertakes to provide these services to the Customer).

Rules of the hotel

PRESENTATION: The hotelier has the freedom not to receive customers whose behavior is indecent and neglected, customers with noisy or incorrect behavior, customers whose behavior is contrary to morality and public order.

PAYMENT: The entire payment is done on arrival. We accept the following cash and credit card payments: Visa, Mastercard and American Express and holiday vouchers. Bank checks are not accepted. We ask everyone staying in our establishment to present a piece of identification. In case you can not provide us with this document, we will be obliged not to accede to your room rental request.

STAY TAX, not included in the price of the reservation, is in force in the municipality and subject to variation of the current regulations. It is payable locally.

IN CASE OF INTERRUPTION OF STAY: there will be no refund. Similarly, in case of early departure, the stay is due in its entirety according to the conditions of the reservation. Delays on arrival or early departures can not be refunded.

CANCELLATION: there are 3 possibilities: 1) It must reach us before the date of cancellation fixed at the time of the reservation for the bookings with the cancellable conditions. Exceeded this delay, the reservation is due in its totality as well as the extras if they have been reserved in advance. 2) For non-cancellable and non-refundable bookings as its name indicates so well, we will not make any refund and the stay will be paid in full and the extras if they have been booked. 'cancellation were not given at the time of booking, the cancellation can be done until 48h00 before the arrival day 00h01. An arrival scheduled for May 10th will be canceled until May 8th. Beyond this period, the entire stay is due as well as extra if they have been reserved.

NON PRESENTATION: is considered as the effective taking of the room.

ROOM ACCESS: The rooms are available from 15:00 and must be vacated by 11:30. Attention, in case of departure beyond, an extra night will be charged. If you wish to keep the room for an extra night, the room must be paid before 11:30, subject to availability. Moreover your room is planned for a determined number of people and to respect; note that a child, regardless of his or her own age, is a person. We are insured for a maximum number of people not to exceed and beyond the insurance does not work in case of problem. To ensure the security of the hotel you should not in any case accommodate additional people. Please make sure your bedroom door is properly closed before leaving the room or going to bed.

PROHIBITIONS: We remind you that the ban on smoking has been in effect in all public places since January 2, 2008. It is also absolutely forbidden to smoke in the rooms for obvious reasons of safety and comfort (non-compliance will lead to compensation of € 100 / stay to restore the room). It is forbidden to use gas appliances in bedrooms, for example: stove, electric wok or other household appliances and culinary etc ... It is forbidden to trade in the hotel or in the car park.

ANIMALS: Pets are accepted and pay € 8 per day on condition that they are clean

BREAKFAST: Paying is served from 8:30 to 10:30 in the room provided for this purpose or on the terrace.

RECEPTION declines any responsibility for your luggage or objects deposited in public places. The hotel staff can always be reached at any time by dialing the hotel's telephone number:

Reception is open from 8h to 20h.

In case of loss or forgetfulness, the found objects are deposited at the Reception. After your departure, you can have your omissions sent after payment of delivery fees.

THE SWIMMING POOL is open from 9:00 to 19:00 from April to October. For security, the pool is fenced. The hotel is not responsible for accidents in or around the pool. It goes without saying that children must be under the supervision of parents.

It is forbidden to dive, jump, run or use balloons, games and inflatable mattresses, with the exception of safety equipment for young children.

Animals, shoes, food and drinks are strictly forbidden in the pool area.

You must use your own beach towel or beach towels made available by the hotel available at the reception and so do not use the towels of the hotel. You should not "reserve" a deck chair with your towel if you are not in the pool. Any towel thus found will be removed.

Thank you for wearing a suitable swimsuit, the other clothes being banned for swimming. Thank you to respect the tranquility of other bathers.

Swimming is not supervised, you are under your own responsibility. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.

THE PARKING: is private and paid, and only for people who rented a room in the hotel. Your vehicle remains under your sole responsibility. It is advisable not to leave effects in appearance. As a courtesy, you are asked to park your vehicles in a consistent manner so as not to use too much space that would be lacking to others.

THE BAR: The bar is open from 11h to 20h. We do not serve alcohol to minors under the age of 18, and children can not order alcoholic beverages for their parents or companions.

COMMON AREAS: Please wear the correct attire when staying in the hotel's public areas.

WIFI: Wifi is free for hotel guests

FOOD AND DRINKS: We inform our guests that it is strictly forbidden to consume their personal drinks or to have a picnic in the swimming pool, bar and common areas. The glasses and ice cubes of the restaurant are reserved exclusively for the consumption of the hotel.

DEGRADATION: We ask you to respect the places as well as the decoration of your room. In case of problem, the customer will have to incur civil liability. During your stay, a key will be given to you allowing you free access to your room; in case of loss, the key will be charged. In case of departure very early in the morning, remember to leave your key in the room or at the reception.

CLEANING: it will be done every day until 18:00. In case of a room that is too messy and whose access would be inconvenient, the housekeeper can make the decision not to clean the room.

NUISANCES: To respect the rest of other guests, be careful not to slam the doors or make too much noise especially between 22H00 and 9H00. Any noise of neighborhood related to the behavior of a person, may cause the hotel to invite the customer to leave the establishment without refund, since the noise generated is likely to undermine the tranquility of the clientele (art. R.1334-30 and R; 1334-31 of the Public Health Code). A hotel room is a place of rest.


The direction


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